The Mike Todd Diamond Tiara
They say good things come in threes, and they aren’t lying. Traditionally the number three represents harmony, wisdom, and balance. In today’s world, a sequence of threes seen on a license plate, apartment building, or even on a grocery store receipt can symbolize a myriad of things, depending on the Google search result. Numerology and angel numbers aside, the number three is important to us because it’s the amount of times Elizabeth Taylor was seen wearing what has become known as ‘The Mike Todd Diamond Tiara,’ with Mike Todd himself.
One isn’t just born a star. Fans' interests must constantly be piqued and being intentional is a requirement. No one knew this better than Elizabeth Taylor – she chose the right jewels for the right moments. Her antique diamond tiara, gifted to her by third husband (there it is again) Mike Todd, made an appearance at high profile events such as the Oscars, a Golden Globe party, and Cannes.

In an interview with Marion Fasel of The Adventurine, she explains that the Queen of England inspired the extravagant trend of wearing such headpieces. “The tiara wearing of the 1950s was inspired by the marriage of Queen Elizabeth II of England in 1947 and her subsequent coronation in 1953,” says Marion. “After the big royal events, the tiara remained a popular style for Americans to wear at galas.”
Make no mistake, Elizabeth was well aware of her influence as a celebrity and knew how to wield it. She may not have been the queen, but alongside Mike Todd, who was promoting his movie Around the World in 80 Days at awards shows and the Cannes Film Festival, she was Hollywood royalty at its finest.
“Elizabeth was very conscious of her star power and the accessories lived up to that, but she was also aware of her humanity, and exposed that side of herself as well,” Marion explains. “She shared her story with us. She was glamorous for us. She had a steady optimism and belief in love that gives us so much to think about to this day. She was one of a kind. She was Elizabeth Taylor.”
With a pre-auction estimate of $60,000 - $80,000, the Mike Todd Diamond Tiara eventually sold for a massive $4,226,500 in the Collection of Elizabeth Taylor auction at Christie’s in 2011. Elizabeth’s impact and story alone were clearly worth over $4,000,000 considering the original estimate. The buyer has chosen to remain private, but from what we know of Elizabeth, we don’t think she’d mind a bit of mystery thrown into the end of this particular tale. Of one thing we can be sure: Elizabeth Taylor unfailingly advocated for love, but she also believed in jewelry.